Striscia la Notizia, the satirical news of Canale 5, returns to the “Aboubakar Soumahoro case”, with a video document taken from the illustrious Facebook profile and dated July 2020, in which the deputy announced his departure from the union for the “mission ” with his Lega Braccianti. “The choice I made will involve sacrifices, including economic ones, for me and my family. I don’t give up a salary for another salary: I give up a salary point», Soumahoro declared at the time. And he didn’t stop there: «I don’t change a desk for an armchair: anyone who knows me knows that I don’t work at a desk. And as far as politics is concerned, I don’t even have a party card.
About two years later, however, the candidacy and election for the Chamber reached the ranks of Alleanza Verdi and Sinistra. The report by Striscia la Notizia not only focused on the scandal of the social cooperatives managed by the partner and mother-in-law of the former union leader, but also spoke of funds from the Liga Braccianti of which nothing is known, after the denunciations collected by the envoy of ‘Striscia’ Pinuccio, of his two former partners. “Striscia started contacting Soumahoro on October 25th to interview him and get his side of the story,” he informed the satirical news, listing seventeen for those who would like a response. Among them: “How were the funds raised for the pandemic spent?”, “Have you ever worked as a farm worker in Italy?” and “How did he pay for all these trips around the world?” Questions about which silence reigns.
Source: IL Tempo
Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.