Fast forward with autonomy reform. Luca Zaia, president of the Veneto Region, does not give up on the project that has lasted for years and sends a message to everyone, including the majority, asking that measures be taken regarding the text conceived by minister Calderoli: “This government has the opportunity to write history. To finally complete a reform capable of making a beautiful country with infinite resources, as modern as the world demands. If someone had in mind to put the handbrake to stop history, they would not have understood that the risk – warns the League governor in his statements to the Corriere della Sera – it is not that one party or the other benefits, but that Italy defaults. Resistances? If that were the case, it would mean that we really do not understand anything.”
Zaia explains the advantages of this reform: “It doesn’t leave anyone behind, it doesn’t penalize the South, but calls it to the challenge of modernity, it helps citizens to have institutions that are closer and more efficient. Even the founding fathers foresaw the possibility of delegating powers and functions to local authorities, Mattarella himself often talks about this, it cannot be a taboo. We’re playing into the future here. And the possibility of having to reform not by choice but by necessity, otherwise the country would explode. That said, in this government everyone is aligned for autonomy, we have no alibi. I think Meloni is coherent and speaks his word, just as I think presidentialism should be carried forward without ifs and buts ”.
From Forza Italia came words full of doubts about the reform and fears of a division of Italy: “It is not true – thunders Zaia – that autonomy divides the country. If there is a historical gap between some regions and others, it is certainly not the fault of autonomy, which was never implemented. This reform has zero balance, it is a decentralization of competences with the same money. With advantages for the citizens, because the North and the South will have more control over the choices, closer to the respective needs. It’s a challenge I, as governor of the South, would be eager to take on. Be really careful, because if this country stays put, it will go into default”.
Source: IL Tempo
Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.