Antonio Tajani, chancellor of the Meloni government, reveals that Italy will ratify the reform of the European Union State Savings Fund, known by the acronym Mes. “I think we are going in a positive direction – he explains in an interview with Agorà – because we cannot block others”. “Then we will have to see what to change, what works and what doesn’t and see if Italy will use it”, he added, underlining that “a solution can be found. We ask Europe for flexibility, but we too must show flexibility to the EU, since we are a founding part and we want to count more and more in Europe”.
The 5 Star Movement went on the attack at this point: “Meloni in charge of the country needs a huge rear view mirror with all the about-faces he is doing with regard to electoral promises and the populist positions of when he was in the opposition. sensational: the ratification of the reform of the Mes, against which Meloni and his patriots have been rebelling for years” the parliamentarians of the 5 Star Movement of the Political Commissions of the European Union of the House and of the Senate declare in a joint note: the respective leaders of the group Elisa Scutellà and Pietro Lorefice, the deputies Filippo Scerra and Raffaele Bruno and the senator Dolores Bevilacqua.
But the dossier can be deeply divisive even within the government majority itself, as an interview in which Lega economist Claudio Borghi reiterated his outright opposition to the ratification of the Mes was just a few days ago. In fact, he claimed to have entered politics “just to stop the Mes”. Positions difficult to reconcile with those of Tajani who, as chancellor and deputy prime minister, presumably also expresses the position of Palazzo Chigi.
Source: IL Tempo
Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.