Justice, Giorgia Meloni blinds Carlo Nordio: full support for the minister

Emphasis on the theme of justice. After the storm over the intercepts, Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni “reiterates her full confidence in the Minister of Justice” Carlo Nordio “whom she had a lot of desire in Via Arenula and with whom she maintains daily contacts”. This is what we read in a note from Palazzo Chigi. Meloni and Nordio “will meet during the week to define the timeline of the necessary initiatives to improve the state of Italian justice. Indeed, the Government is determined to carry forward and implement the coalition program voted by the citizens to give Italy a fair, quick and close justice to citizens and businesses”.

Despite the prime minister’s words, the tension in the majority is palpable on the justice front. So much so that, after Matteo Salvini’s bets (no abuses in the assessments, but no confrontations with the judiciary), the pressure from Forza Italia to proceed with a tightening of wiretapping and the clarifications of the Brothers in Italy on the line of intervention , ensuring that crime rates such as corruption will not be affected, but that the intention is to put an end to “gossip” in the newspapers, to take the field directly is the Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, who “locks” the Minister of Justice and announces a face-to-face meeting with Nordio next week precisely “to define the timetable of the necessary initiatives to improve the state of Italian justice”.

“I am sorry to disappoint, but the climate at the CDM is excellent and all ministers work in full synergy with Palazzo Chigi”, points out a note from the presidency, in which Meloni “reiterates her total confidence in the Minister of Justice”, recalling that she herself it was the “strongly” desired by Nordio in via Arenula. The prime minister has “daily contacts” with Nordio and on the justice front there will be no retreat, on the contrary, the government “is determined to continue and implement the program” “to give Italy a fair government, fast and friendly justice” and business”. The whole party unites and defends the Guardian of the Seals: “Nordio is a minister of the highest value, strongly desired to lead their Dicastery by the Brothers of Italy who elected him from among their ranks to carry out the electoral program chosen by the voters”, immediately states Carolina Varchi, leader of the FdI group in the House Justice Committee. and the majority: “Anyone who thinks of dividing us and creating discord between the members of the government and the majority is very wrong. We are all united and working together to give a new face to justice”. even holder of the dicastery via Arenula, in which the minister denies having thought of resigning and speaks of “perfect harmony” with Prime Minister Meloni, nevertheless gives a sign of the climate that is breathing.

The Third Pole is addressing the Guardian of the Seals, urging Nórdio to advance “without letting itself be conditioned”, explains the chairman of the Montecitorio Authorization Board, Enrico Costa. From the other opposition forces, however, there is a chorus of no to the reform suggested by the former judge: the listening tool does not move, it is the parade launched by the Pd and M5s. But the FdI is back to ensure that nothing will be ‘dismantled’: as the undersecretary of Justice Andrea Delmastro had already done, it is now the deputy leader of the group in the Chamber, Manlio Messina, who emphasizes: “There is no limitation of wiretapping for crimes mobsters and terrorism or even freedom of the press. But let’s say it comes to those who use them very often to ridicule even those who are not involved in the investigation. Let’s move forward together, together with Minister Nordio “. Words that are honey to the ears of the Third Pole: “Interceptions are useful, we want to limit their abuse. Unfortunately, part of politics uses them as a tool to attack the opponent, part of information to peek through the keyhole, part of magistrates to gain visibility or make a career”, says, for example, Maria Elena Boschi, who recalls being a victim of these abuses. Therefore, if Nordio “does what he says, we will support him”, he guarantees. The leader of the blue group in the Senate also denies friction: “I don’t see tensions in the majority in terms of justice”, argues Licia Ronzulli, who speaks of “difference in sensitivity in some aspects”, but “the common objective is to give life to a serious and effective reform, which puts citizens at the center”. He therefore guarantees Nordio “all the necessary support” of Forza Italia. Ronzulli then returns to the point dear to the Azzurri: “The use of wiretapping for Mafia and terrorist crimes has never been questioned. What we always defend is that the abuse of this tool is limited». But Salvini reiterates: “I don’t want to go back to the clash between politics and the judiciary, between the powers of the State, because we are not going anywhere. The reform of justice, which is a priority for the country, including the economic one, must be carried out with lawyers and judges, not against anyone. That said, “the abuses must be punished, because using wiretaps for irrelevant political, journalistic and judicial interventions is unworthy of a civilized country”.

Source: IL Tempo
