Fratelli d’Italia maintains, as well as confidence in Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. The latest Tecnè poll goes against the trend of other polls and reserves for the Prime Minister’s party a fact that is always much more than what it seems to hear a lot about the fibrillation in fuel prices. FdI remains stable at 31% and confirms itself at the top of the Italian ranking. In the survey carried out for the Dire agency based on interviews carried out from January 19 to 20 with a sample of a thousand people, the 5 Star Movement data stands out, which drops to 17.4%, losing 0.2% in relation to to seven days before. There was a slight increase for the Democratic Party, which rose to 15.5% (+0.3%).
Returning to the center right, Lega also remains stable at 9%, a slight rise to the third pole which registers 7.8% approval (+0.2%). Forza Italia also grew to 7.7% (+0.1%), Alliance Verdi-Left fell to 3.2% (-0.3%). Close +Europe at 2.6% and Italexit by Gianluigi Paragone at 1.9%. We were talking about confidence in the prime minister, which remains stable: 61.2% of respondents evaluate Meloni positively, the same percentage recorded seven days earlier. 34.6% of Italians are not confident (+0.4%), while 4.2% are not vocal (-0.54).
Trends and data in some cases consistent and in others divergent from those seen in the SWG survey presented yesterday by Enrico Mentana in his Tg La7. Italy Brothers loses half a point and settles at a still remarkable 30.8%. The league grows 2 tenths back to 8.5%, as does Forza Italia which rises to 6.6%. Unlike the Tecnè survey, here the Democratic Party falls back to the absolute minimum (14%). Action-Italia Viva rises to 8.2%, Giuseppe Conte’s M5s fall (17.4%, -2). In short, divergent signals in a political landscape characterized by many “open tables”: from the high price of living to the Democratic Party primaries, to the arrest of mafia boss Matteo Messina Denaro.
Source: IL Tempo
Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.