Algerian gas, Ceccardi on the attack: EU finances Galsi, the work sunk by the Democratic Party

An agreement that can change the future of our country for the better. The energy sector has become decisive for global economic development in recent years. A project rejected by the Democratic Party, which today is very current again. It is a direct attack, without discounts, the one carried out by Susanna Ceccardi, MEP of the League, on the local left. “Prime Minister Meloni’s agreements finally revive the Galsi project, sunk at the time by the obstructionism of the Tuscan Democratic Party. The Mediterranean is finally returning to the center of the country’s and Europe’s energy geopolitical agenda. It should be remembered that the impeding inertia of the Toscano Democratic Party compromised the construction of this fundamental conduct in 2014: now the situation has changed, and I have already presented a new question to ask the European Union to refinance the work”.

Remember that the Galsi pipeline would be capable of transporting not only gas, but also green hydrogen and electricity. “In July 2022, I questioned the Commission to find out what was new about this very important infrastructure, a project that aimed to build a gas pipeline to import natural gas from Algeria to Italy, passing through Sardinia, and then reaching Tuscany. A strategic project, an 830-kilometer gas pipeline capable of bringing eight billion cubic meters of gas to our country per year. A work that would have brought Italy closer to energy independence, so much so that it was included in the 2010 European economic recovery plan and received European funding of one hundred and twenty million euros”. And what happened to that money? “This money was lost: in response to that question, the Commission stated in black and white that, despite financial support, the project had not made the necessary progress, the subsidy was withdrawn and the funds returned to the EU budget.” And whose fault was this waste? “From the Tuscany Region, which had delayed the construction of the work to the point that it was definitively abandoned. An unforgivable strategic mistake: if today in Piombino we are talking about the regasification terminal, it is also because of these responsibilities”.

Source: IL Tempo
