Not only the national secretary to be elected. The leaders of the Democratic Party are also agitated by the secretaries and secretaries assigned to ministries, about twenty, who are returning to Nazareno after the end of the Draghi government. As of 2013, with the exception of the period of one year and two months, the Democratic Party has always been in government and many of its employees, including secretaries and secretaries, were assigned to the positions of those managers who went on to cover government positions. It is, among other things, a period that coincided with the end of public funding for parties. As long as there are positions in the government, therefore, the impact of the end of public disbursement was softened by the presence of the dem in the executives that succeeded until the end of the Draghi government and that allowed sending ‘relevant’ personnel to help in the ministries. With the fall of the former EU central banker’s government, however, many of these people are returning to the ‘parent company’. There is talk of a number ranging from 20 to 24 units, which follows in economic terms for a party that, for some time, has not sailed in good waters from a financial point of view.
Democratic Party officials have been laid off for years, some at 30%, some at 50%. And the last renewal expires in September 2023. One of the problems that the new secretariat will have to solve will also be how these professionals, formed over years of government, can be made available to a party that seeks to renew itself. also from an organizational point of view. “They should be trained”, says a parliamentary source from the DEM, “but resources are needed for that”.
To try to mitigate this emergency, part of this staff will be mobilized for the parliamentary benches of the Chamber, Senate and European Parliament. However, here too, ad hoc training will be required, as legislative offices, like the groups’ press offices, require very specific skills. The theme goes down and, in a way, refers to the public funding of parties, abolished by decree of December 28, 2013, when the current secretary, Enrico Letta, was sitting in Palazzo Chigi. And today it is the Democratic Party that calls for the revision of this rule. And to say that the Democratic Party continues to register excellent performances in financial terms of two per thousand. Thanks to the very loyal electorate, comments one manager. The fact is that this year the dems doubled the Brothers of Italy: they brought home 7,346,785 euros thanks to 33.2% of the total preferences, equal to 475,808 taxpayers. Behind them is Meloni’s party, named in 233,874 declarations (16.34% of the total).
Source: IL Tempo
Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.