Who wins the elections in Lazio and Lombardy and what changes for the government?

Noto Sondaggi has released a new voting intention survey in light of the regional elections scheduled for Sunday, February 12 and Monday, February 13, 2023, in Lombardy and Lazio.

Regarding the upcoming elections in Lombardy, 51.5% of the sample of voters in Lombardy testified in favor of Attilio Fontana (Center-Right), while 29% were Pierfrancesco Majorino (Center-Left-M5S), 18 Letizia Moratti (Third Polo ) and 1.5% for Mara Ghidorzi (Unione Popolare). For the Lazio region, voting intentions expressed by the sample of voters see Francesco Rocca (Center Right) first with 46%, followed by Alessio D’Amato (Center Left) with 35.5%, followed by Donatella Bianchi (M5S) . ) with 16%.

Regional elections 2023: where, when and who to vote for?

  • Lombardy elections: Fontanta 51%, Majorino 29%, Moratti 18%

  • Lazio picks: Rocca 46%, D’Amato 35%, Bianchi 16%

At the national level, Brothers of Italy was approved as the first Italian party with 28%, a loss of half a point according to the December 22, 2022 survey. The one-and-a-half point jump of the rising Movimento 5 Stelle, as far as coalitions are concerned, the centre-right (FdI-Lega-Fi-Noi Moderati) reaches 46% (-2) while the centre-left (PD-Greens-Left-+Europe) ) It stops at 20% (-1.5). As can be seen, it gains 5 stars at the expense of the Democratic Party, which drops to 15% until the new congress. Next we find the League with 10% (+0.5), followed by Action-Italia Viva, which rises to 8.5% (+0.5). Forza Italia drops to 7% (-1.5), Greens-Left stands at 3% (-0.5), +Europe is steady at 2% and finally Noi Moderati is at 1% (-0.5) ) stands.

Source: Today IT
