After the bathhouses, a new case opens in the majority. This time it is the Ong’s decree that raises the temperature. The League’s amendments, in fact, are judged as inadmissible by the Chamber in the competent commissions, chaired by representatives of Forza Italia and Fratelli d’Italia. «The decision» of the presidents of the Constitutional Affairs and Transport commissions (Nazario Pagano, in the FI action, and Salvatore Deidda of the FdI) to deem the amendments presented to the decree inadmissible «is completely wrong for us, we are going to appeal. We are absolutely astonished, it has no technical justification on the merits, I would not like there to be political issues behind it», vents the deputy of the League, Igor Iezzi, when contacted by the LaPresse agency.
“On the merits – he explains – there is no reason for inadmissibility. Where to present proposals for modifications on the management of migratory flows if not a decree that has in its title the management of migratory flows, the amendments insist on the same text».
Pagano’s response was curt: “There are no political motivations. I didn’t decide on my own. The inadmissibility stems from an exclusively technical-legal assessment carried out with the support of the legislative offices and the Chamber’s studies service”, he assures. Try to put water on the fire Fabio Raimondo (FdI), spokesman for the Odg decree: «There are no bumps. The inadmissibility of the amendments presented by the League is of merit. Everything was recomposed and we drew up the new calendar for us to be in the Chamber on Thursday, February 2».
The spotlight is now on Montecitorio’s Constitutional Affairs and Transportation commissions. The appointment is scheduled for today, at 11:30 am, when he will rule on the appeals and a decision on the exceptions presented by Carroccio is awaited here. While at 2:30 pm the assessment of the proposed amendments is scheduled. The opposition goes on the attack. Dem deputy Toni Ricciardi speaks of a “failed blitz” by Carroccio. For his part, Riccardo Magi, president of +Europa, does not agree: «The League tried a blitz to rewrite the legislation on residence permits, special protection, detention in repatriation centers and other matters through amendments totally unrelated to the object of the disposal, i.e. rescue at sea. The obvious attempt was to resurrect the Salvini decrees. And he is echoed by Filiberto Zaratti, leader of the Alleanza Verdi Sinistra group in the House Constitutional Affairs committee, who speaks of “useless coercion at a procedural level, as well as odious.” In short, after the pressure on the FdI on the littoral front of Lega and Forza Italia with the amendments “reported” to the Milleproroghe, another front opens in the majority. With the League ready to “tighten” the NGO, held back (for now) by government partners.
Source: IL Tempo
Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.