How much will the minimum pension increase: there is a plan. Berlusconi announcement

Silvio Berlusconi talks about minimum pensions. And he promises to bring them to a thousand euros over the next five years. It is the commitment of the President of Forza Italia who knows he has the support of the entire Meloni government. Berlusconi spoke about this during the episode of “Dritto e Rovescio” broadcast on Rete4 on 26 January. In front of Del Debbio’s cameras, Berlusconi illustrates the plan and explains that it will be possible to implement it little by little, a little at a time, taking into account budget constraints. “We took a first step in the right direction by raising minimum pensions to €600. For us, the commitments assumed with the voters are sacred: we promise to increase the minimum pensions for everyone to 1,000 euros and, during the legislature, we will do it with absolute determination. Naturally we must proceed year by year taking into account the budgetary constraints that Europe imposes on us – said the leader of Forza Italia, Silvio Berlusconi – I believe that only a country capable of guaranteeing a safe and dignified old age to those who have worked all their lives is destined to have a future. Only a country capable of honoring those who built our well-being with the sweat of their brow is a country that can also offer hope to new generations. Certainly, in a few weeks we couldn’t do much, not least because most of the resources we had were destined to face the energy price emergency”.

Then, the President of Forza Italia takes stock of these first months of government. «The balance of these almost 100 days of the new government “is certainly a positive balance, we can say that we started on the right foot – declares Berlusconi – I am satisfied, taking into account the little time available and the need to amalgamate a new team of Of course that the legislator’s major commitments are all being fulfilled: the reduction of taxes and the introduction of the single tax are just beginning, we need to create opportunities for young people through tax exemption and the total distribution of first job contracts, we need to undo the wall of bureaucracy formed by licenses and preventive authorizations”.

Source: IL Tempo
