Balneari, asks the government: new law and extension of concessions

Federbalneari Italia continues to put pressure on the executive led by Giorgia Meloni. “No to the government delegation on the Draghi law, yes to a new organic law” is the request of President Marco Maurelli, at the table with the Minister of European Affairs, Raffaele Fitto, to discuss the core of state concessions. The sector’s organic reform – he explained – must start “first of all from mapping state maritime, lake and river concessions and recreational nautical vessels beyond the moorings, to give the government a comparison tool on whether the sector is compatible or not with the Services Directive ».

«We believe – added Maurelli – that the revision of the Navigation Code, instrument of protection of concessionaires since 1942, can no longer be postponed, surpassing law 118/2022 which was born vitiated by the judgments of the plenary of the Council of State and not by Parliament. We strongly ask for the suspension of tenders for awarding state concessions, launched by Italian municipalities, in the absence of conditions that safeguard concessionaires located in EU territory on a par with the coastal countries of the EU. Finally, we insist on the need to extend the concessions, confirming the deadline until 2024, with an extension until 2025, abandoning the Government’s delegation to the competition law as it is inadequate and economically incompatible with this tourist system and with the objective of organizing by 2023 a serious organic reform law, which protects – concludes Federbalneari’s number one – the coastal sector, Italian excellence in the tourism sector ». Initially, Fratelli d’Italia had presented an amendment to the Milleproroghe decree that intended to eliminate the date of December 31, 2023 as the limit of validity of beach concessions, extending them without deadline.

Source: IL Tempo
