Donzelli-Delmastro, “Meloni falters”. The Republic’s Last Attack on the Government

“Allies angry at Giorgia Meloni in case involving Giovanni Donzelli and Andrea Delmastro. And now the Prime Minister is faltering”. This is the title of the last article in Repubblica on the leader of the Brothers of Italy, which reconstructs the history of the confrontation in the Chamber between the majority and the opposition and the subsequent movements of the prime minister. In particular, the newspaper focuses on the new attack by the Undersecretary of Justice against the Democratic Party and explains: “Meloni falters. It seems like a nightmare.” The Prime Minister relentlessly defends the two loyalists and even shouted at a meeting with Minister Nord and his team: “My men don’t touch each other”. thing” the reconstruction of the Repubblica, which heralds a sign of Meloni.

There are two solutions in play: either the subtraction of Demastro’s powers of attorney, or the freezing of his position (and Donzelli’s) pending the House’s grand jury or any news of the investigation opened at the Public Ministry. “It is the last attempt to break without breaking with its people. To try to contain a dynamic that has now gotten out of hand. He also believes that Colle is watching closely what is happening, that he is waiting for a move, a bump, even if Sergio Mattarella’s official line is and remains that there is an ongoing investigation, the president does not intervene” the history in the clutches . It is also reported that many Northern League fans were angered by the situation and Forza Italia leaders said nothing to defend the two from FdI.

The newspaper directed by Molinari also refers to Guido Crosetto’s outburst with some Azzurra deputies: “These are crazy, you can’t give it to opposition terrorists.” “You never defended me when they attacked me and my family during the election campaign. And now we attack the opposition. For fifty years we have been accused of being outside the constitutional arc and now we cannot say what we stand for?” the message launched by Meloni in a meeting with the allies. And now we are not waiting for the official position of the Prime Minister, who promised to speak on the subject at the joint press conference after meeting with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

Source: IL Tempo
