Giorgia Meloni’s announcement: the fiscal revolution will arrive in 2023

Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni announces a veritable tax revolution coming in 2023. The Prime Minister talks about it in an interview given to Il Sole 24 ore. “We need to revolutionize the relationship between the tax authorities and the taxpayer and ensure that tax evasion is fought before it even occurs”. The Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, told Il Sole 24 Ore, announcing a “delegated law that will affect all sectors of taxation” and that “will also place employees and pensioners at the center, with ad hoc measures”. The commitment, “compatible with available economic resources”, is “to continue towards substantial cuts in the tax burden” and “replace basic income with concrete measures to fight poverty”. «We are going to bet more on tools capable of favoring spontaneous compliance – explains the minister – For small and medium-sized companies with the establishment of a two-year agreement with creditors. With all the databases at their disposal, tax agencies can easily estimate the earnings of companies that they can sit down and say, “You pay what you owe for two years and if you make more, you don’t gives nothing, in exchange I will not subject you to inspections. If the taxpayer refuses, he will be subject to inspections by the Federal Revenue. As for multinationals and large companies, it is necessary to encourage “cooperative compliance”, that is, an already existing institution that provides that the Federal Revenue and the company must confront each other beforehand. This can also represent an opportunity for professionals and become the true transmission belt between the financial administration and the taxpayer. In the enabling law, we will obviously also focus on employees and pensioners, with ad hoc measures”.

Meloni also speaks of public debt, with the desire to “save” it from “new financial shocks”, working with the Minister of Economy, Giancarlo Giorgetti, “in increasing the number of Italians and residents of Italy who hold debt shares” . “We want to reduce dependence on foreign creditors, increasing the number of Italians and residents of Italy who hold debt shares”, says the Prime Minister, who adds: “The only way to make a high debt like ours sustainable is growth economic, not the blind austerity policies of recent years”. of taxation, Meloni thinks of a “bureaucracy reform that makes it return to the service of families and companies” and a “justice reform that guarantees the certainty of the law and the certainty of punishment. to make our institutions more modern and efficient, combining presidentialism and autonomy”.

Source: IL Tempo
