Milleproroghe, intelligent work extended to those who have children or are frail. What happens to the Rai rate

Some news is coming in from the works on the Milleproroghe decree. Contrary to what circulated last night, smart-working has been extended until June 30, 2023 for workers in the private sector with at least one child under the age of 14 and for fragile workers who attest to greater exposure to the contagion of Covid. The decision is taken by the Senate’s Constitutional Affairs and Budget Committees. Another important novelty is the one reported by Il Messaggero about Rai’s license fee: next year, the tax on state television will no longer be paid on the electricity bill. “The Minister of Economy confirmed a change that is not contemplated in the decree and still affects a very large slice of Italians. The license fee will therefore have to be paid in other ways”, reconstructs the newspaper.

Still at Milleproroghe, the option to be able to send medical prescriptions in electronic format was extended for one year. And the government is working to make this structural change in the future as well. In the medical field, there was a request to allow doctors to work until the age of 72, postponing their retirement. In the decree, approval was limited to general practitioners, while the extension to hospital coats and other professional figures was rejected. In particular, the firm opposition of the trade unions weighed heavily.

Source: IL Tempo
