Smart work for parents and the vulnerable: extension arrives until June 30

Intelligent work in the private sector for fragile workers and parents with children under 14 has been extended until 30 June 2023, even without individual agreements, provided that this method is compatible with job performance. This is envisaged by the amendment to the Milleproroghe decree, which was approved by the Budget and Constitutional Affairs committees in the Senate with the first signature of Senator dem Antonio Nicita. The extension also came for public employees. An amendment restated by the rapporteurs and approved by the committee allocated 16m euros to finance this latest measure.

According to Senators Guido Quintino Liris and Marco Lisei of the Brethren of Italy, the provision is “part of the logic of supporting the weakest, especially those teachers who need to be replaced by substitute teachers, but more generally a 16 million for all workers in distress, especially for themselves. a question of measures to support public employees allocated euros”.

“With the change in Milleproroghe – said Public Administration Minister Paolo Zangrillo – we reaffirm the government’s concern for vulnerable workers, we are investing resources in protecting and caring for the categories of public sector workers to which we owe more attention. It was not an inevitable result but we worked hard, also school and health care. We found resources for the replacement of the non-deferrable personnel in the sector, we brought together the basic needs for the protection of workers and service guarantee. We showed that we do not discriminate between public and private employees.”

Senator Pd Malpezzi: “A drop in the sea”

Simona Malpezzi, chairman of the Democratic Party senators, is half satisfied. “Yesterday, he explained, we strongly condemned the government’s refusal to extend protection to vulnerable workers. But overnight he must have come up with a piece of advice: the government changed its mind and sought to resuscitate our workers, in serious violation of parliamentary procedures. The problem is that they said ‘no’ to all other extensions to the fragility that is always present in our text and that the Minister emphasized. The Labor Party had ventured into live TV in Parliament in response to the Democratic Party’s question hour. The senator concluded that, among other things, smart work and failing to protect workers who can’t work. The government, caught in a limbo of uncertainty, continues to make promises and continue to fail”.

Source: Today IT
