Giorgia Meloni rocks Michel, backdrop at European summit: “You can sleep too…”

A pragmatic and undiplomatic Giorgia Meloni puts Charles Michel to sleep. These are days of tension for Italy in Europe: first the France-Germany-Ukraine summit, from which the FdI-led government was excluded, then the sparks with French President Emmanuel Macron and finally the question and answer with Charles Michel, President of the European Council. The “Corriere della Sera” revealed a tasty background: it is 13:30 on Thursday night and the marathon on state aid and immigration has tired the 27 EU leaders who want to close the work. All except the Italian Prime Minister. The newspaper reads: “Giorgia Meloni wants to confirm the 8 amendments she prepared to modify the latest version of the European Council conclusions. (…). All the changes that are essential for her and that concern the paragraph dedicated to migrants”.

Charles Michel, sadly known for his lack of respect for women (read behavior towards Ursula von der Leyen) urges her to speed up the discussion and be complacent, but Meloni bluntly replied: “According to European sources, she remains within a binary of determination that makes someone lose a pinch of patience and others awaken recognition for their firmness: ‘Dear Charles, I know the rush technique very well in project management, I also used it during the evening meetings on Italian financial law , but for me there are some essential points, if you want you can even sleep…'”. It ends at 3 am and the next day, in a press conference, the Italian Prime Minister will define the chapter on migrants as “a absolute novelty, a change of pace.” At the same summit there would have been another moment of friction between Meloni and Macron.

Source: IL Tempo
