Results of regional elections in Lazio 2023

On Sunday, February 12 and Monday, February 13, a vote was held to renew the Lazio regional council and elect a new president of the region, after two terms Nicola Zingaretti (elected governor in 2013 and 2018) and ten years of centre-left government. Voting stations were open from 7 to 23 on Sunday and from 7 to 15 on Monday. The contenders for the presidency are Francesco Rocca (right-wing coalition: favorite according to the latest polls published at least two weeks ago), Alessio D’Amato (center-left, health adviser for the last ten years) and Donatella Bianchi (5 Star Movement, the Linea Blu program in Rai1) history server). We will follow the first results live after 15:00. Today.

Lazio 2023 regional election results: live news and updates

When the polls closed at 11 p.m. Sunday evening, slightly more than one in four voters in Lazio voted. This is the number that measures the vertical drop in voter turnout for regional elections. Only 26.20 percent of the voters went to the polls. In 2018 it was 66.35%: however, they voted together with the parliamentary elections and only on Sundays. Municipal data is interesting. II with the most votes (28.93%), still below 30%, but above the regional figure. VI is bad, the only municipality below 20% is almost two points less than municipality X, which gets 21.04% of the electorate. Here are the detailed data on turnout at city halls (always referring to polling stations closing at 11:00 p.m. on Sunday evening):

  • Town Hall I 25.77
  • Municipality II 28.93
  • Town Hall III 24.99
  • Municipality IV 24.59
  • Town Hall V 22.77
  • Town Hall VI 19.28
  • Town Hall VII 25.14
  • Municipality VIII 26.03
  • Municipality IX 24.72
  • Town Hall X 21.04
  • Town Hall XI 22.17
  • Town Hall XII 24.43
  • Town Hall XIII 12.30pm
  • XIV Town Hall 22.63
  • Town Hall XV 22.11

In Lazio, regional electoral law provides for one-round voting, so the candidate with the most votes will be elected. At least 40 of the regional council representatives (50 in total) will be elected by proportional method, and the remaining 10 will be elected to the lists affiliated to the elected president as a majority bonus (not exceeding these). 60% of total seats). .

Source: Today IT
