“A great emotion”. These are the words that Francesco Rocca chooses to start his greeting as president of the Region of Lazio, speaking from the stage set up for him at the Salone delle Fontane in Eur, received with applause and choruses of fans, who chanted his name several times, “Francisco” . The new governor, supported by the centre-right, then made his first speech after the victory: “Great emotion and satisfaction. It was a short ride, but very intense. Alongside this satisfaction, a sense of responsibility prevails to revive a health system that demeans the dignity of citizens. The first task is to increase health. Even the abstention number bears a sign of responsibility because 10 years of the left have alienated citizens from institutions. We will work to restore that sense of confidence. Special thanks to Giorgia Meloni who gave me a lot of confidence and put me in the trio. To Fabio Rampelli, Paolo Trancassini, Antonio Tajani, Maurizio Gasparri, Claudio Durigon because they all worked. I promised Vittorio Sgarbi – comments a beaming Rocca – that we will draw up a plan to regulate energy in Lazio. We will not allow the destruction of territory with wind farms, which must be offshore”.
Source: IL Tempo
Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.