Regional elections 2023, Rocca overthrows D’Amato and Bianchi: the projection of defeat on the left

The center-right’s success in the regional elections held in Lazio and Lombardy is in plain sight from all the first data that emerged as soon as voting operations ended and the counting of votes in the ballot boxes began. Swg, the institution that supports the Mentana Marathon at La7, provided data for the first projection of the vote, with coverage of 11%. And the results are those of a game without a story, as polls have been saying for months. Francesco Rocca has 53.7%, Alessio D’Amato has 32%, while Donatella Bianchi has just 11.8%. Rocca was the center-right candidate, D’Amato that of the Third Pole and Pd, while the 5 Star Movement nominated the journalist Rai. Another fact impossible not to highlight is the collapse of final turnout in Lazio, where only 37.2% of eligible voters cast their ballots. A very low result compared to the 64.3% in the political elections held in 2022 and the 66.6% in the 2018 regional elections, in which Nicola Zingaretti won.

Source: IL Tempo
