Defeat in regional elections in Lombardy and Lazio could upset the balance within the oppositions. The Third Pole is the real big loser in the polls, with poor results in both regions, opening up again discussions about the future. The scenarios are outlined by Affari Italiani, who explains how in the alliance between Italia Viva and Azione we wish Stefano Bonaccini success in the Democratic Party primaries, appreciated for his moderate and reformist profile. The plan, it is explained, is “to build an alternative over time to the right of Giorgia Meloni and Matteo Salvini, abandoning the 5 Star Movement and the Sinistra Italiana-Verdi bicycle (AVS)”.
Then, the site continues in the background: “A few weeks ago, the Third Pole bet on Elly Schlein to support a division in the center by the Riformist Base. Now everything has changed.” The power of the center is no more than a 10% consensus and it was realized that to have a decisive weight from the political point of view it is necessary to build a center-left alliance, including +Europa in the project. plan is to build and organize a centre-left, pro-European, moderate and non-sensationalist alternative. If Bonaccini wins, therefore, we are moving towards building a rally with Azione-Italia Viva, in which Moratti will have a role, and Più Europe. So giving up on Giuseppe Conte and his M5S who came out with broken bones at the ballot box, but also giving up on Nicola Fratoianni and Angelo Bonelli “, the Italian affairs explanation of the project by Carlo Calenda and the rest of the opposition to try to put one to the overwhelming success of the centre-right coalition.
Source: IL Tempo
Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.