The room behind the lottery as a student selection tool

Universities and technical colleges may reuse the lottery process when selecting students in the future. The House of Representatives approved a bill by Minister Dijkgraaf on this issue. The plan must also be approved by the Senate before it becomes law.

“Decentralized selection” in the higher education sector is now primarily about grades and motivation of prospective students.

According to the Cabinet, there are signs that the student body has become less diverse since the introduction of this system and that some groups have less chance of completing the selection process properly. The odds of a draw should change that.

Higher education can choose itself

Universities and technical colleges are free to use the draw as a standalone selection tool or in addition to existing procedures.

An overwhelming majority voted in favor of the proposal. Against Dijkgraaf’s wishes, the House of Representatives made minor changes to the law two weeks ago: the House of Representatives passed an amendment by the ruling parties VVD, CDA and ChristenUnie, among others, giving educational institutions the opportunity to reject certain students from school. selection criteria are taken as basis before making a decision.

The minister had previously called it a “slippery slope”. Yesterday, he made it clear that even after the change was passed, students should never be removed from the lottery based solely on exam results.

Source: NOS
