The first call came from Nicola Zingaretti, former governor of Lazio, for the usual congratulations and a kind of transfer with the new tenant from Pisana, who after ten years has returned to the centre-right. Then the phone of Francesco Rocca, elected with almost 54% of the votes, rang again in the afternoon. On the other end of the line this time was Roberto Gualtieri, mayor of the capital. A “cordial” phone call, as both parties describe it, in which the mayor and the governor promised to meet as soon as possible to discuss the main common dossiers. There is still no defined agenda, as well as the location for the first official confrontation has not been defined, but the priorities are known. From public transport to waste management.
Rocca announced its intention to revise the entire waste plan approved by Zingaretti in 2019, and since then the landscape has changed with Gualtieri’s choice to equip Rome with a waste-to-energy plant. Hypothesis to which Rocca substantially did not oppose. Therefore, it is more likely that a discussion will open on the territorial areas of destination and the increase in selective collection, which in the capital does not reach 50%. And with a view to collaboration, the new president assured that Rome will not fail to support the Region for the Jubilee of 2025. But soon after taking office, Rocca will have imminent commitments ahead of him. For example, the rapid approval of the estimated budget, while implementing the “real operation” on Lazio’s accounts promised during the election campaign. And it is necessary to restart investments, especially those necessary to restore health.
The objective of the first hundred days is to break down the waiting lists with your personal “recipe”: on the one hand, to insert the schedules of the private structures that have agreements in Recup’s reservation system and, on the other hand, to digitize the availability of beds places throughout the region. From health to infrastructure, with the aim of starting all the works that can already be built, right down to the branches. Those expecting a ruthless spoils system might be disappointed. Environments close to the presidency reinforce Rocca’s managerial training, which is why he would be inclined to value the work of those who have already shown that they care about the administrative machine. The real divide, therefore, would come with the composition of the board and the myriad boxes to be filled, between presidencies and vice-presidencies. And certainly a preponderant space will go to the Brothers of Italy.
Only Giorgia Meloni’s party expressed the “mister preferences” of these regionals. With the poll not yet concluded, Giancarlo Righini seems to have clearly separated his fellow adventurers with a result well above 35,000 preferences. And among the gentlemen of the capital’s preferences are Fabrizio Ghera and Roberta Angelilli. At Carroccio, the vacancy seems guaranteed for Laura Cartaginese and Pino Cangemi, while Angelo Tripodi should be added from Latina. And in the pontine, Forza Italia hits with the former mayor of Gaeta Cosmo Mitrano, who exceeded 12 thousand votes. Among them, the excellent names of Daniele Leodori, Massimiliano Valeriani and Michela Califano join the couple Mario Ciarla and Eleonora Mattia. Surprise then in Frosinone, with Sara Battisti elected with 16,915 votes. In the Third Pole, Marietta Tidei prevails while in the Movimento 5 Stelle, the most voted is Donatella Bianchi. Who will decide whether to keep the seat or not.
Source: IL Tempo
Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.