Covid Commission and Rai Supervision, the center-right press for the agreement

The center-right works to define the risk of parliamentary appointments. So far there have been five majority meetings to try to reach an agreement on the presidencies of the bicameral Commissions. At the end of the afternoon, the group’s leaders met again to try to close the dossier in a week. Forza Italia gets three, Lega four, the rest goes to Fratelli d’Italia. Then there are the commissions whose practical guidance is up to the opposition, including Rai Supervision, disputed between the 5 Star Movement and the Third Pole. After the confrontation between Sanremo and the Viale Mazzini company, in fact, there is a temptation on the part of some ‘big’ Brothers in Italy to ‘disorder’ the cards. “If the governance is not changed, then we should have the presidency of the Commission to act as guarantor”, observes one of the main exponents of the Via della Scrofa party. But according to well-informed sources, this is not Prime Minister Giorgioa Meloni’s ‘plan A’. “That would be an anomaly. Unless the Pd, M5s and Italia Viva want it, then yes, one can think about it», observes an Fdi executive.

The dossier on the presidency of Rai Supervision has been blocked for weeks, a member of the majority risks the hypothesis that, in reality, the M5S does not want to lead the body and that there is a continuous dialogue at a high level between the Brothers of Italy and Italia Vida long to bring Maria Elena Boschi to the presidency. But for the moment the stalemate is not resolved. The hypothesis that the leadership of the Covid Commission is destined for the Third Pole is in decline.

The Fdi will also preside over the Anti-Mafia Commission (the deputy will be from the Northern League) while the majority of the issues to be resolved are, among others, those relating to the Cassa Depositi and Prestiti Commissions and federalism. “But – observes a member of the Brothers from Italy – we must accelerate and not only in the Rai Commission. Our Parliament is the only one that does not have international delegations…”. Then, on the table is the proposal relaunched today by Forza Italia for the creation of a commission “on the political use of justice”. in recent days the axis with the third pole has been welded with the intention of accelerating the separation of the careers. expresses its bitter satisfaction with the umpteenth acquittal of Silvio Berlusconi in the Ruby trial: it is the 135th acquittal out of 136 evidence», the applause was also raised by «a substantial part of the Third Pole». soon to the unicameral commission of inquiry into the death of former MPS manager David Rossi Parliamentary cadres continue to be defined.

Source: IL Tempo
