Omnibus, “dumb fact”. Manager copies Mussolini, Italy Brothers rage

Ylenja Lucaselli, member of the Fratelli d’Italia, is a guest on the March 15 episode of Omnibus, La7’s morning talk show hosted by Alessandra Sardoni, and returns to the case of public manager Anastasio who copied Benito Mussolini’s speech in an email and he then resigned: “Revenge is demonstrated and obtained in other ways, certainly not through stupid statements like this, objectively the fact itself is idiotic and uncommentable. Thankfully there were immediate dismissals, these are facts that have no place in the Brothers of Italy and are immediately condemned. History is full of managers and executives who, having reached positions where Italy’s industrial policy is decided, go crazy, it can happen. President Giorgia Meloni on this subject of appointments – continues Lucaselli – is making 360 ° assessments that do not have to do with belonging, but with the quality of the managers they intend to keep at the head of the most important subsidiaries in Italy. I think this is the criterion that should prevail over everything else, we need managers who are capable and who are capable in this role, who know the companies where they are going to work very well”.

Source: IL Tempo
