Another hook built in from the left. «Although» the deputy of the Brothers of Italy Giovanni Donzelli used «politically harsh tones» in the Chamber of Deputies on January 31, «he did not harm the honor of the deputies of the Democratic Party». This is the conclusion, unanimously approved by the Montecitorio Jury of Honor: the report was read in the Chamber by the president of the special commission Sergio Costa of the 5 Stelle Movement.
Thus, after a month and a half, the ‘Donzelli case’ ends: the words uttered in the Chamber of Deputies on the occasion of the debate on the constitution of the bicameral Antimafia commission and addressed to the PD deputies who had gone, days before, to visit the prison de Sassari – where the anarchist Alfredo Cospito was held under 41 bis, on a hunger strike in protest against the harsh prison regime – relating his visit to conversations Cospito had with representatives of organized crime and therefore asking the dem if they were on the side of the state or terrorists with the mafia, they are not “detrimental to the honor of Democratic Party lawmakers”, “although” Donzelli “used politically harsh tones”.
Upon reading the Honor Jury’s report, President Costa specified that the examination by the special commission evaluated only Donzelli’s statements, and not other episodes at the center of the controversy that arose later, that is, the information disclosed by Donzelli himself about the lectures Cospito was in prison, a matter that the judiciary is investigating. In addition, Costa explained that the jury’s conclusions are not disciplinary in nature. It was also reaffirmed the right and duty of parliamentarians to be in sight of prisoners in prison. Once again, dem deputies, Debora Serracchiani, Silvio Lai, Andrea Orlando, never supported Cospito’s fight against 41 bis, they never asked for the anarchist’s harsh prison sentence to be revoked, but limited themselves to checking his state of health and the visit followed the public appeal made by many jurists. Finally, they never took a stand against 41 bis.
Source: IL Tempo
Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.