The tax reform that will reach the Council of Ministers tomorrow was at the center of a tough question and answer in the Chamber between the president of the deputies of Forza Italia Alessandro Cattaneo and the secretary of the Pd Elly Schlein. “You are a right wing obsessed with immigration”, attacked the leader of the DEM during the question period of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. “If there is an obsession that we have, it is lowering taxes and allowing the country to move faster and release the best energies”, replied Cattaneo, who continued in his speech: “While others speak of the ‘opportunity to insert assets and taxes in almost all places, we will focus all our efforts on reducing the tax burden for Italians”.
“The data – insisted the leader of the blue group – say that the tax burden in 2022 was 43.8%. We find this unethical. In 2008 we eliminated the tax then called ICI. The left changed its name and reintroduced it, but we removed it in 2013. That’s because we don’t want the primary residence tax.”
Source: IL Tempo
Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.