Tax reform and the bridge over the Strait of Messina: Cabinet decisions

Financial reform, bridge over the Strait of Messina, reorganization of the Ministry of Economy. The “Rich” Council of Ministers is today, Thursday, March 16. The meeting was called for 16:30 at Palazzo Chigi.
All the measures on the agenda, which the Prime Minister proudly initiated before his official power of attorney: “Important news in the Council of Ministers supporting citizens, families and businesses. Heads forward”.

Council of Ministers today, Thursday, March 16, 2023

The Council of Ministers meets at 16.30 at Palazzo Chigi. The agenda has not yet been formalized, but the Executive should give the green light to tax reform, the decree that was discussed before the Parliament on Wednesday at the Bosphorus Bridge, and the restructuring of the MEF.

Meloni declares a “financial revolution”

“The government proudly claims the elections so far, always defending Italian interests. Tomorrow at the Council of Ministers, important news supporting citizens, families and businesses: a financial revolution that guarantees lower taxes, more growth, justice and more income. ” lays the foundations for a new relationship of trust between tax authorities and taxpayers. Keep your head up”. writes in a Facebook post by Giorgia Meloni.

tax reform

What Meloni describes in the Council of Ministers is the “financial revolution”. This is what was expected:

  • reorganization of personal income tax (with a flat tax target for all within five years);
  • Ires deduction (corporate tax, ed) for companies that use profits in investments and new hires;
  • abolition of the regional tax on production activities, Irap;
  • the clause “saving account” with the annulment of criminal sanctions for smuggling due to objective reasons not dependent on the taxpayer.

Statutory decrees that provide concrete indications for the implementation of reform articles must be issued within 24 months of the bill’s approval by Parliament.

When will the bridge over the Bosphorus be built and when will the work begin?

According to the draft that has been circulating in the last hours, the decree law containing “urgent provisions for the establishment of a stable connection between Sicily and the Continent” will be divided into 7 articles. It begins with the (re)birth of the Strait of Messina company, covering the regions of Calabria and Sicily, Anas and Rfi. All have control of Mef and Mit, which will have at least 51% majority shareholders. The deadline for approval of the execution project of the work is 31 July 2024.

“There are ongoing investigations to resolve the latest technical issues and move forward at maximum speed: therefore the final text will only be officially released after the approval of the Council of Ministers,” said the Ministry of Infrastructure.

The project is “continuous compared to the project made until 2012 and then interrupted by the Monti government. Therefore, we are talking about a single span structure. It will be the longest suspension bridge in the world: 3.2 kilometers The project will be updated – they still say from MIT – In particular We start with the exact one that will be updated with the technical specifications of the new regulations on environment and safety. The operation was carried out in constant dialogue with the European Commission expressing immediate great interest in the initiative”.

The Department of Economics is born

The “Economic Department” was born in MEF with responsibilities in the fields of “financial interventions in the economy, state shares and increasing public assets”. This can be read in the ministry’s draft restructuring measure.settle It was seen and expected at the Council of Ministers today. In detail, it is a Regulation amending the Prime Minister’s decree of 26 June 2019.

Source: Today IT
