The theme of the work is at the heart of the CGIL congress in Rimini. From the stage of the Palacongressi, Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni explained her blunt no to the introduction of the legal minimum wage, as Giuseppe Conte’s M5s would like. A position to which the union led by Maurizio Landini opposes (“We need a law of representation and contracts must have general validity, erga omnes. In this scheme, we are willing to establish a wage limit”), so much so that it seeks support in the opposition , but which he previously defended. It was March 13, 2019 when CGIL, CISL and UIL, in a hearing before the Labor Commission of the Senate, expressed their opposition to the establishment of an hourly minimum wage in Italy because “it could favor the escape from national contracts, becoming a tool for lower wages and labor protections”.
Concept reaffirmed on September 27, 2021. Landini, at the end of a meeting at Palazzo Chigi, declared that the priority is not the minimum wage, but “overcoming pirated contracts and the general validity of National Employment Contracts”.
The apparent contradiction was underlined by Tommaso Cerno. The former exponent of the PD, in connection with the “Tagadà” program on LA7 noted: “I was surprised that the CGIL did not applaud Meloni in this passage because he said what was always the union’s idea. The minimum wage, understood as something below which one cannot pay for, is a valid statement of principle, but very far from the history of the left, always in favor of bargaining – reasons Cerno -. Now, however, the left is for the guaranteed minimum wage that, in this conjuncture of economic crisis , will lead to a lowering of all contribution levels for that line, later extended to all types of contracts. An enormous loss for those who are above the minimum”.
The presenter Tiziana Panella maliciously commented: “Ah, maybe Meloni’s words were a way of opening the dialogue with the unions”.
Source: IL Tempo
Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.