“If two persons of the same sex wish to have a child transferred as their own child to be recognized, ie registered with the civil registry, this means that surrogacy is carried out outside national borders”. This was expressed by Fabio Rampelli, vice president of the Chamber and representative of the FdI, during the broadcast of Ten Tens at La7.
One reason the politician, who is counted among Meloni’s staunch supporters, repeated in his personal message to fathers on Father’s Day: “Best wishes to all fathers who are aware that they cannot be without a mother. Talking of soft toys, confusing people with objects or animals or tree species and children with smurfs. ,” he began, referring to the protest over the tragedy of the immigrants in Cutro.
My best wishes to all fathers who are aware that they cannot be without a mother, to all fathers who cannot have children because they love another man, who keep their desires to themselves, and who do not make selfish choices against the woman whose egg they bought. They rent the womb for nine months and there are children who are condemned to grow up in a life of suffering just because they want to have a mother, as nature provides.” “A man who knows how to stay put, who teaches carefree joy and renunciation of pain, who blocks shortcuts when they conflict with the common interest, who always defends children and their right to a calm and natural childhood, is already a father. Because he acts like a father. Best wishes to their father and all the men who act like fathers,” Rampelli concluded.
In the reasoning of the Deputy Head of Department, there is no room for the hypothesis that a child can be adopted by a same-sex couple without surrogacy, a practice not recognized in any country of the European Union. The FdI representative responded in a Pd post from Pina Picierno, vice-president of the European Parliament: Referring to the interference with La7 on Facebook, she described Rampelli’s statement as “a bad punishment, not just for the couples they’ve been with”. choose to welcome a child with love, but above all against children who cannot defend themselves against this violence. They present themselves as politicians worthy of the country’s government, but they are only violent reactionaries,” Picierno concluded.
Source: Today IT
Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.