The usual SWG Monday poll for Tg La7 run by Enrico Mentana sees one loser above all: Giuseppe Conte. The brothers from Italy always stand out in the poll, which does not change from one week to the next and maintains an approval rating of 30.3% in voting intentions. Trembles on the rest of the podium, with the Democratic Party which gained 0.6% and goes to 20.4%, returning after time above the 20% threshold. As previously mentioned, it is the former prime minister’s 5 Stelle Movement that pays the price: the trend is even negative by 0.8%, for a total of 15.3%. The League is also losing ground, which does not reduce the difference when taking advantage of the collapse of the grillino. Matteo Salvini and his followers fall to 8.5% (-0.3%). Small growth for Action-Italia Viva (+0.2% up to 7.7%), while Forza Italia is also in the red (-0.1%) with a total of 6.3%. Positive performance for +Europe, Unione Popolare and Per l’Italia con Paragone, no changes instead of Alleanza Verdi-Sinistra. does not express preference and is part of the population of abstainers.
Almost identical proportion in the survey on trust in Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and in the effectiveness of the government (the sum of those who consider it very effective and quite effective). The first value is 40%, while the second is 39%: both in March they lose one percentage point compared to February.
Source: IL Tempo
Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.