Italy will continue to support Ukraine regardless of its approval. Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, in communications to the Senate with a view to the next European Council, confirms that support for Kiev “will be assured in all areas as long as necessary, we will continue to do so without calculating any kind of impact on the consensus, because it is correct do it, even on the level of values. Military aid to Ukraine is needed”.
“We are going to keep our commitments, freedom has a price. We are going to give the population of Kiev a shield against Russian bombing”, observes the prime minister. Meloni does not hide his irritation with those who say “Italy is spending money” to the detriment of Italians. “No more lies,” he notes, “Italy is sending material and components it already has to Ukraine.” “I think that the propaganda of those who say that Italy spends money sending arms, subtracting resources from the needs of Italians, false and puerile, is false and we all know in this Chamber. Italy is sending weapons that it already has in its possession and that luckily we don’t have to, and we also send them to keep the war away from our home. To say the Italians otherwise is a lie I intend to call out by its name.” “Telling Italians that without Ukraine’s help pensions could be increased or taxes reduced is a lie,” Meloni repeated. From the majority benches, he gave the Prime Minister a long round of applause.
Many questions on the table, including immigration. “Italy’s maritime borders are those of Europe and Europe is called to defend them”, said Meloni in the communications to the Chambers with a view to the European Council scheduled for March 23 and 24 in Brussels, “what is at stake is the life and dignity of countless human beings, victims of ignoble trafficking and, at the same time, the security of the entire continent”. “We are facing criminal organizations that profit from human beings – the prime minister recalled -. We want to combat this trafficking vigorously. “Fierce criticism of me or the government, but please, stop a second before harming Italy”, he said again the Prime Minister, “the political battle can be fought effectively without having to paint the opponent as a monster. Even in the fiercest political controversy there is a limit that must not be crossed, the limit beyond which to attack the adversary the whole nation is put in a bad light, casting shadows even on the men and women of the Coast Guard and law enforcement, that, on the contrary, we should be grateful, because only Italy is assuming a responsibility that must be shared by others”.
Source: IL Tempo
Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.