Schlein: “As a kid I supported Milan until I realized who it belonged to”

“I supported Milan as a kid, then Juventus, and now I sympathize with Bologna”. This was expressed by the secretary of Pd Elly Schlein, guest of ‘Stasera c’è Cattelan’, which will air on Rai2 late evening Tuesday, March 21. When host Alessandro Cattelan asked him how he managed to switch teams, Schlein replied with a laugh: “When I found out who it was”, alluding to Silvio Berlusconi, former Rossoneri boss and president of Forza Italia. On the air, the secretary of dem also recalled her militancy as a player on the women’s football parliamentary team. “We did this to draw attention to the discrimination that professional athletes still experience in the world of sports,” she explained.

Schlein did not keep it a secret that it was not easy to bear the burden of expectations. “I feel a bit of performance anxiety, but it motivates us to keep our feet on the ground and try to improve every day.” He then added: “We knew what awaited us, it was an uphill road, and we purposefully wore comfortable shoes. After years of frustration with the Left and the Democratic Party, we feel a great responsibility to create an alternative to those in power”. After the primaries, the dem secretary said, “The climate has changed a lot, and that motivates us and gives us the responsibility to change things.”

Source: Today IT
