Berlusconi admitted to intensive care: “He will make it”. The whole family in San Raffaele

Concern for Silvio Berlusconi, admitted to the San Raffaele hospital in Milan after being discharged on March 30. The former prime minister and leader of Forza Italia has been in the general and cardiothoracic intensive care unit of the Milanese hospital since this morning, where he arrived by car accompanied by his partner and blue deputy, Marta Fascina. There is no official information, but according to Berlusconi, 86, he has severe pneumonia, aggravated by previous health problems. Only family members are allowed in his room. Following him, as always, was his personal physician and director of the same department, Alberto Zangrillo, who through the San Raffaele press office announced that no medical bulletin will be released today.

All of his children visited Berlusconi during the day: the two eldest Marina and Piersilvio (the latter accompanied by his wife Silvia Toffanin) and also Barbara, Eleonora and Luigi, while in the early afternoon his brother was also seen arriving Paolo, leader of the Forza Italia in the Senate, Licia Ronzulli and Fedele Confalonieri. “Berlusconi is in intensive care because an infection problem has not been resolved, but he speaks,” said the Minister of Foreign Affairs and national coordinator of Forza Italia, Antonio Tajani, on the sidelines of the NATO ministerial meeting in Brussels. it’s stopped, I’ve spoken to the family, obviously there’s concern. With due prudence, I manifest an optimistic posture. Let’s hope”, said the leader of the Forza Italia group in the Chamber, Paolo Barelli, speaking to the journalists of the Chamber, who later added: “We are optimistic, with prudence, because obviously these are always delicate things. We have the impression that this is a relapse of what evidently had not been completely overcome”. antibiotic therapy that Berlusconi is supposedly following The only one authorized to divulge medical information – they explained from the hospital – is the doctor Zangrillo, who however will not issue any official bulletin until at least tomorrow. hospitalization could appear for him from several days.

The news of Berlusconi’s hospitalization reverberated in the international media. Many journalists, photographers and cameramen stationed outside the hospital, including a Swedish team. Silvio Berlusconi, “he’s stable, he’s a rock, he’ll make it this time too.

Your mood? Ours is good”, he tried to reassure his brother Paolo as he left the hospital. Meanwhile, a shower of good wishes from all politicians, starting with Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. “Sincere and affectionate wishes for a speedy recovery to Silvio Berlusconi , admitted to the San Raffaele in Milan. Forza Silvio,” wrote Meloni on Twitter, while Lega leader and Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini posted a photo with Berlusconi on social media with the phrase “Come on, Silvio, Italy awaits you!” Berlusconi is unrepeatable. Larger than life. From this point of view he is a lion, certainly », words of the leader of the Third Pole, Carlo Calenda.

Source: IL Tempo
