Silvio Berlusconi calls Tajani from the hospital: Italy needs us

Italy in suspense over Silvio Berlusconi’s health condition. The Knight is admitted to intensive care at the San Raffaele hospital in Milan. His condition would be stable. Berlusconi telephoned Forza Italia’s national coordinator, Antonio Tajani, to inform him of the clinical course and give indications about the party’s political line and objectives. “President Silvio Berlusconi called the national coordinator of Forza Italia, Antonio Tajani, spoke with the leader of the group in the Chamber, Paolo Barelli, with the vice-president of the Senate, Maurizio Gasparri, and heard the other leaders of the party” . This was announced in a press release from the Forza Italia press office.

«He addressed an affectionate greeting and recommended the maximum commitment in Parliament, in the government and in Forza Italia because “The country needs us!”. Everyone has assured him that they will not fail to be more attentive, loyal and present following his instructions, hoping that he will recover quickly and return to being his usual fighter », adds the note.

Source: IL Tempo
