What’s going on with Forza Italia?

Concerns about Silvio Berlusconi’s health are also concerns about the future of Forza Italia because Silvio Berlusconi is Forza Italia and Forza Italia is Silvio Berlusconi. There are those who tried to climb the party in history and those who managed to get a place in the sun, but nothing happened in Forza Italia that was not approved by the old Knight. It is therefore legitimate to question the future of liberals at such a historical moment, and to ask themselves: What would happen to the refuge where moderates found a home from the 1990s on? Forza Italia is more like Silvio Berlusconi’s private estate than a party, yes. This legacy is likely to explode when the latter can no longer cope with it. For different reasons.

How is Silvio Berlusconi?

A party without a “father” and a financial question

Theoretically, parties do not end with the political parable of the secretary on duty. At least, that’s how it should work in a Republic where parties are a tool in the service of the citizens. But the political crisis in Italy has exposed the fragility of democratic systems within the movements. Parties have turned into joint-stock companies in the hands of a few people and like every “company” shaped on a father figure, without this the political experience ends or turns into something else. For example, the recent death of Pannella put an end to the Radical Party, at least politically; With the “stepping aside” of Beppe Grillo, the Movimento 5 Stelle was classified as a left-wing party and ceased to be what it was born to do. Likewise, Forza Italia lives thanks to the great leader, without which at least a phase of chaos and conflict between the gangs will begin.

What’s going on inside Forza Italia?

Who knows if one of these “gangs” could take that legacy and raise the Forza Italia flag? However, it must be able to incur a number of charges described as “exorbitant” by an internal source. Payments currently fully supported by Silvio Berlusconi. It’s no coincidence that in the most recent fratricide, he saw the queen move towards the blue chessboard. “Woman” Marta Fascina beheaded in Licia Ronzulli’s stream. He did this with the support of the Berlusconi family, his children (Marina and Piersilvio), who now has a primary goal: to protect Berlusconi’s financial assets, to avoid taking responsibility for any political issues.

Idea: Biodegradable forzists in fdi

That’s why around this time there are phone calls where a hypothesis emerges: handing over the keys of the party directly to Giorgia Meloni. After all, that’s what Berlusconi tried to do with Matteo Salvini with the federation project “Forza Lega” (or Lega Italia). In this case, the combination of the two symbols was used to turn a very fast Meloni into a Montecitorio. Now that he is the Prime Minister; now the League is at 8%; Now that Salvini is the secretary of half of a party close to the split. Now that the scenario has been completely reversed, many forzists are wondering if it is right to join the Brothers of Italy, which will create a de facto liberal and moderate current in the governing party.

Meloni may refuse, but what’s the point? He would lose his parliamentary majority and then win: It would have to do without the consent of the most nostalgic, but it would gain an audience of right-wing moderates who could weigh in the election by a few percentage points. Thus, the prime minister would give new impetus to a moderation operation that had already begun with the start of the government. And if three clues prove it, then the appointment of Carlo Nordio as Minister of Justice, the appointment of journalist Mario Sechi as head of the government press office, and the various stomachaches within the Fdi prove that Fratelli d Italy is on the side. will open up to a more liberal future. There’s support in Forza Italia, especially since Cattaneo has been “lowered” at the price of being close to Ronzulli. This was not fired but actually Antonio Tajani prevailed with Berlusconi’s final decisions in Forza Italia.

And even if there are men considering competing as heirs to the last emperor in Forza Italia; Even if at the Third Pole there are those who begin to weave their own caliper; While there is no certainty about the future of Forza Italia with Antonio Tajani, the return to Fiuggi and the rebirth of a new National Alliance is more than a suggestion. But Giorgia Meloni will need a new identity operation, as Gianfranco Fini has accomplished, otherwise the right risks consolidating in the most sinister post-fascist propaganda as the only way to survive.

Source: Today IT
