Silvio Berlusconi is vigilant and following the therapies, people close to Knight continue to repeat without adding more details about his state of health. Rumors began to circulate that the patient, who was taken to the intensive care unit in San Raffaele in Milan yesterday due to a lung condition, may have leukemia. Earlier this afternoon, Prof. Alberto Zangrillo and Prof. The first medical bulletin signed by Fabio Ciceri has finally arrived and we read in it:
“President Silvio Berlusconi is currently hospitalized in intensive care for treatment of a lung infection. The contagious event is part of a chronic hematological condition he has been suffering from for some time: chronic myelomonocytic leukemia”.
Oncological pathology is “in the chronic phase” and does not have “the evolutionary features of acute leukemia,” according to the bulletin.
“The current therapeutic strategy provides treatment of pulmonary infection – the bulletin continues – a specialized cytoreductive therapy aimed at limiting the adverse effects of pathological hyperleukocytosis and restoring pre-existing clinical conditions”.
Barelli: “There is no revolution in the party”
Silvio Berlusconi “reacts to therapies”, as assured by Paolo Barelli, leader of the blue group in the parliament, underlines that “there is no revolution in the party”. After a phone call this morning with the former prime minister, who was in intensive care in San Raffaele yesterday, some rumors began to circulate about the internal organization of Forza Italia. “Berlusconi wanted to be informed about the work of the parliament and the activities of the party, as if nothing had happened,” said Barelli.
Salvini: “I feel sorry for the mentally ill on social media”
While Casini “lovely embraces Silvio Berlusconi” and shares the concerns of his family members, Deputy Minister Matteo Salvini resents “mental biases on social media” as well as “newspapers” that report “shameful, bad” remarks. “I wonder what kind of mental defects lead to writing on social networks when there is a person in intensive care, but also the most unlikely, embarrassing, inappropriate, bad articles are written on the sites of very important newspapers with millions of readers. But there is also the poison in it. there are people, I pity them, they don’t make me angry, I feel sorry for them, those who can’t even stay outside the hospital bed wish the worst,” he said, referring to messages addressed to Knight on social media.
“I don’t say backup, because people clearly live badly, because politics is passion, ideal, value, competition, but then, only when faced with life, luck, illness, therapy, one stops and wishes everyone a good life, a good gift, a good one. the future: there are really unimportant people, apparently educated, years of infamy make you not see your opponent as an opponent on the field and then you go out and shake hands at the end of the game, whatever the outcome, but just like an enemy to be hated, even me as a leftist It scares me from a particular subculture that I don’t identify because it’s a subculture without a political father or mother. Salvini stated that that’s exactly hate – I don’t say it scares me because they don’t scare me but they pity me. Some people on social media who can’t contain their disgust even at this hour – he concludes – it really hurts me ” .
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Source: Today IT

Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.