Drought decree today: fines of up to 50 thousand euros on the way

Fines of up to 50,000 euros for unauthorized use of public water This is just one of many innovations in the water decree at the table of the Council of Ministers, which met to approve new provisions to combat drought and strengthen water infrastructure. The drought decree also provides for the appointment of an extraordinary national commissioner to adopt emergency responses to the phenomenon of water scarcity. There is also a decree on the strengthening of the Public Administration (TOY) on the CDM’s desk. Let’s go in order.

Water decree: fines of up to 50 thousand euros

The drought problem is there for everyone to see and urgent action is needed. With this in mind, the 16-article drought decree aiming to free up the 8 billion euros originally earmarked by Pnrr to repair and build the national water supply network will be approved by the Cabinet today. thousands of multifunctional mini-reservoirs. In particular, the draft water ordinance provides for expedited procedures and fixed deadlines for interventions to improve the efficiency of dredging water infrastructures and reservoirs, and special funding for the latter. Fines of up to 50,000 euros will be imposed on those who extract and use public water without permission. Article 13 provides that: “The following amendments have been made to Article 17 of Royal Decree n.1775 of 11 December 1933: a) in paragraph 3: 1) the words in the first sentence: ‘4,000 euros to 40,000 euros’ in the following amended: ‘Euro 8,000 to EUR 50,000’; 2) the words ‘Euro 400 to EUR 2,000’ in the second sentence have been changed to: ‘Euro 2,000 to EUR 10,000′”” .

Then, a water crisis control room will be established in the Presidency of the Council of Ministers in order to study urgently needed works and interventions in order to overcome the water crisis in the short term. He will remain in office until 31 December 2023 and is expected to appoint an extraordinary national commissioner to accept emergency responses to the water scarcity phenomenon with a possible extension until 31 December 2024. The Commissioner, according to the draft, carries out the emergency interventions entrusted to him by the control room, monitors the situation throughout the country and the necessary work being done, and may intervene with proxy powers in case of non-compliance, at the discretion of the CDM.

PA reinforcement decree: 965 extraordinary recruitments in the police

A Decree-Law on strengthening Public Administration is also on the way, with the aim of increasing the workforce for implementing reforms related to Pnrr. In particular, there is talk of thousands of new hires in institutions and the stabilization of temporary workers who have worked in Regions, Provinces and Municipalities for at least three years.

In the decree, new places will be determined for the order forces, which have been weak for years. Extraordinary enlistment of 965 units for the police force is expected between 2023 and 2028; of which 302 units for the state police not before 1 September each year, 371 units for the Carabinieri not before 1 September 2023, and 289 units for the police. In the draft, the Fiscal Guard Corps reads, “not earlier than June 1 of each year, in addition to its usual recruiting powers provided for by current legislation.”

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Source: Today IT
