Meloni government’s plan to recruit three thousand people, more money for researchers and competitions for schools

Slightly more than three thousand new hires were recruited to strengthen the Public Administration, and two-thirds (2,100) of them are in the security forces: gendarmerie, financial police, firefighters, police, port authorities and coast guard. On Thursday evening, the green light was given to the interim decree from the Council of Ministers. The drought decree was also approved at the meeting.

The summit was briefly interrupted by a telephone conversation between Silvio Berlusconi, who was taken to the San Raffaele hospital, with Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. Knight also met with the League’s deputy prime minister and leader, Matteo Salvini. The Forza Italia leader “has had chronic myelomonocytic leukemia for some time” and was hospitalized “to treat his lung infection”. The former prime minister has reportedly responded positively to the treatment, although the condition requires the utmost attention.

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What does the decree provide to the Public Administration?

The purpose of the decree is to allow public administrations to strengthen their structures “in relation to those involved in the implementation of the National Plan for Recovery and Resilience (Pnrr) or the protection of public health and safety”.

As noted, most of the recruits will be from the security forces. On the contrary, the ministers of the ministries remained far from what was envisaged in the draft decree laws that have been circulating recently. By 31 December 2026, the text increases the maximum percentage for coverage by non-public administration staff of management staff in administrations playing the role of contract stations for Pnrr to 12%. Central governments have until 30 June to reorganize structures and prepare relevant recruitment procedures.

The National Observatory of Public Works was established with the repeal of the National Observatory for agile work and the Technical Commission for performance in public administrations.

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In addition to strengthening the staff of the armed forces, it is envisaged that the careers of doctors in the prison police are formed and regulated. Interior Minister Piantedosi says it is “a sign of the government’s strong interest in the security and public aid sectors”. “The manager’s intention – he explains – is to continue investing in enhancing the functionality of these important sectors by providing concrete responses to the legitimate expectations of all who work with great sacrifice and professionalism at the service of citizens every day”.

The measure regarding the return of retirees to the public administration has been lifted. Drafts in the last few days envisioned the possibility of administrations to grant retiring staff managerial or managerial positions for a maximum of two years, with associated pay.

New competitions for teachers

Then there is the part of the decree on Public Administration concerning the school. For the 2023/2024 academic year, an extraordinary recruitment procedure is envisaged for teachers with the title of support specialist, who are in the first band of the substitute teacher provincial rankings or in the appropriate supplementary lists. In addition, action was taken on the procedures for conducting the competition to unblock the recruitment procedures of technical managers with inspection duties at the Ministry of National Education and Merit.

“We aim to create the conditions for the next school year to start on a regular basis by ensuring didactic continuity, quality of teaching and reduction of precariousness for students. Moreover, the ministry is giving a prompt and important response to children with disabilities. Education Minister Giuseppe Valditara has made recruitment procedures more selective, the most important promotion of support teachers in recent years”.

The decree also includes a rule commissioned by University Minister Anna Maria Bernini to encourage high-profile researchers, such as the winners of the Gant Horizon and Marie Curie projects, to stay in Italy or seek from abroad. The text provides up to a 30% increase in compensation for researchers who receive research funding.

“The Council of Ministers has approved measures to increase incentives to encourage researchers who have fled abroad to return to Italy, because we want Italians to have the opportunity to find the best conditions to work here,” Giorgia Meloni says in a video posted on Facebook. .

Source: Today IT
