More than three thousand jobs in public administration. 3,150 to be exact. Of these, two-thirds, or 2,100, concern law enforcement. These are the novelties contained in the decree approved by the Council of Ministers. On the other hand, the approval of the annual market and competition law, in its second pass by the Council of Ministers, whose appreciation will continue at the next meeting, is still postponed. The 2,100 recruits concern the Carabinieri, the Guardia di Finanza, the Fire Brigade, the Police and the Port Authority – Coast Guard. Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni says: “This is how we strengthen citizens’ security.” “This is a concrete signal for citizens and for State servants who ensure daily control of the territory”, add government sources. Recruitment in the police sector is financed under the latest budget law with funds earmarked for security.
In addition, the public administration decree-law provides for an increase in remuneration of up to 30% for researchers who raise research funding, such as the Gant Horizon and Marie Curie projects. The introduction of the law is an incentive to stay in Italy and attract researchers from abroad. “We want to create the best conditions to work here”, explains Meloni. The regulation was also included in the provision aimed at guaranteeing continuity of service to Almaviva Contact employees. The provision will allow the company’s employees to continue working at least until December 31st, through an allocation of 5 million euros aimed at restoring the contact center service to 1,500. the service until December, pending the attribution of a new economic operator», comments Minister Orazio Schillaci.
A regulation is also introduced that provides for the creation of the mission unit «attracting and unlocking investments» in the Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy, with the aim of facilitating, guiding and reducing bureaucracy in procedures for attracting investments in Italy. Mimit, it is specified, has already equipped itself with tools that go in this direction, including the “one-stop shop” for monitoring international investors and a fund to reinforce the activity of attracting foreign investment, with an endowment of 5 million euros per year. Finally, Enit, the national tourist agency, becomes a joint-stock company. «I am very satisfied – commented the Minister of Tourism Daniela Santanchè – We needed a drastic operation that would make the support activity developed by Enit more efficient and rational. Now, in its place, Enit SpA was created, a joint-stock company whose shareholder will be the Ministry of Economy and Finance. The extinction of the institution and its incorporation into an internal company will mark a change of pace: Enit will be more dynamic and will finally be able to fulfill its purpose, which is to be the operational arm in the implementation of policies to promote made in Italy. Together with the collaboration and work we are doing with the Regions, we will finally get to present ourselves to the world as Italy. This is the concept that has been missing over the years and for which I have been fighting since I became a minister: that is, the promotion of all of Italy, Italy as a brand».
Source: IL Tempo

Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.