Suspended democracy “Critics of Salvini eliminated” The league has expelled a number of historical defenders from Calabria to Piedmont. Reason? Criticizing Salvini. “This is a militarized party,” said former MP Paolo Tiramani.

There is immediate dismissal for those who criticize Matteo Salvini’s line in the league. This is what happened to those who, after the rumble of Carroccio in the regional elections, dared to say publicly that many were thinking, namely the failure of a national party project; The league is a bad copy of Fratelli d’Italia and voters choose the original at the polls.

Fewer than 40% of militants: “Salvini failed, now let’s change the League”

Thus, in this sense, a shocking notification came to the interviewees: “The Disciplinary Guarantee Commission. […] Being aware of the repeated statements in the media with content that seriously harms the image of the Movement in accordance with Article. Pursuant to Article 32 of the applicable Statutes and Article 10 of the applicable Federal Regulations, he has ordered expulsion from the “Lega per Salvini Premier” Movement and general territorial articulation.

Expulsion of Tiramani: “The league is now militarized”

The letter comes directly from the registered office through Bellerio (Milan), the sender is the director of the national federal agency, and one of the first recipients is Paolo Tiramani, 39, a deputy in the last legislature, who was not nominated for re-election at the time.

“I was expelled for saying that the next day the elections went badly and mistakes were made,” the former MP told Today. Thus, Tiramani first saw the publication of a press release by the Vercelli state commissioner, Enrico Montani, in which he gave everyone an account of his deportation. Then, last April 4, he received the letter registered on Lega letterhead directly to his home.

“The paradoxical thing is that I have a job, I am an entrepreneur in the social health sector,” continues Tiramani. I could have been useful to the party and would have preferred to leave quietly considering there were two. My card was months away and I still couldn’t renew it. I did not seek the candidacy, it was never a question of position, but throwing away more than twenty years of political loyalty is an insult. So far there is a militarization in the League, a single thought tied to Salvini and Riccardo Molinari in Piedmont. Anyone who does not think like them risks being excluded. Salvini always said that the League is not barracks, and on September 26, I took the opportunity. explain why it went bad. In a normal party, Salvini’s secretary would be skipped the day after the vote. Exactly Molinari. It didn’t happen”. Yes, instead it was Tiramani who was expelled from the party, Tiramani, who was a city councilor in Borgosesia before sitting in the legislature at the age of 21; he was a state councilor and vice-president of Vercelli province; finally a district councilor in Piedmont. with time league.

Salvini, secretary of half of the League: “If it continues like this, there will be division”

First of all, an expulsion that left a bad taste in the mouth of a part of the Vercelli League, because Teramo’s words were the same as many others who did not receive a red card. “But actually I was officially expelled for ‘serious statements that damage the League’s image,’ but the main reason is different,” said Tiramani. In fact, the state convention was to be held in Vercelli, where alternative candidates to Salvinian were poised to emerge. They would ask the regional secretariat to make a show of strength from Tiramani’s head in order to prevent the division of the base (as in other regions), thus imposing a single nomination to unify the base. They kicked me out as if to say, “They kicked me out to give a signal, let’s intimidate whoever we want or end up like him. Let’s punish one and train a hundred people.” a Facebook post: “The pain remains of having for over two decades having given myself to a well-known party that has treated me like a foreign body in recent months and with no real motivation other than Riccardo’s supposed dislike. Molinari is against me. I’ll read the motivations and read the appropriate I will protect myself in the forums”.

Sapphires expelled: “They fired whoever founded the league”

Sandro Zaffiri has been in a steep decline in the League since 2007 as Marche’s district councilor and former vice-president of the district council from 2013 to 2018. After the politics, in a television interview with a local broadcaster, he spoke of “an anticipated defeat, because on certain orders from above, even from the federal government, they deliberately created problems among militants in the areas.” Known for his candor, Zaffiri added that both the Marches’ regional secretary (Commissioner Riccardo Augusto Marchetti) and national secretary Matteo Salvini had to resign. Reason? “Do we mean the Northern League? Okay, but let’s not make trouble for the districts with friends who should have a privileged and preferential lane,” referring to the usual question of friends of friends parachuted into election safe constituencies.

Sandro Zaffiri

So it didn’t take long to fire Sandro Zaffiri after spending more than a decade in the League. First he saw himself excluded from the Lega Marche conversation. Then, about ten days later, the usual letter arrived home with the usual accusation: damage to the movement. “The truth is they’re kicking out the former Northern League supporters who founded the League because we need a party where no one talks about the problems and no one protests – Zaffiri tells Today directly – because the boards haven’t met in four years, they have a parliament where they can debate and have political deliberations. Since there is nothing left of a democratic party, we accept that the Union is no longer a party,” he said. .

“I left because of Milan’s intervention”

On the other hand, one who left spontaneously immediately after the regional elections in Lazio and Lombardy is Filippo Maturi, former deputy of the Alto Adige, who denounced Milan’s continued interference in the political elections of the state secretariats. “We waited for the regional elections so as not to harm the league at the national level, but due to the constant interference of Milan, namely Via Bellerio, in Alto Adige, the election was already ripe. Let’s say at the local level, it had become unsustainable,” Maturi Today said. Thus, he took another parliamentary exit of the XVIII legislature, and with it a number of elected representatives, leaving the realms such as Merano and Bressanone without any Northern League representation. The reason for all this is intolerance to Carroccio’s national secretariat, who is accused of meddling in provincial congresses and candidate elections, especially in single-member constituencies, with the usual parachutes from Rome and Milan.

Others were expelled from the League

The list of expelleds continues with Emilio Greco, who was expelled from the party shortly before his appointment as provincial coordinator at Cosenza. He was also accused of some critical posts he made on social networks in the last days of the election campaign.

Maura Tomasi, another former deputy and current deputy mayor of Comacchio in Ferrara state, was also fired. It was he who defeated Dario Franceschini in Ferrara’s single-member constituency in the 2018 general election. The red card also came to him. Tomasi would pay the price for the tension with the Italian Brotherhood Senator Alberto Balboni, a strong man of the Ferrara right. Tomasi, reached by Today, chose not to comment on the story and simply said, “I was kicked out and this is a closed chapter for me.”

Source: Today IT
