Schlein, the new secretary of the PD: “Solid team”. all names

Elly Schlein chooses a direct on Instagram to announce the composition of the new secretary of the Democratic Party. “It is never easy to make choices, this is just the beginning, the composition of a very solid team prepared for the challenges that await us” declares the secretary who promises: “I will not fail to identify ways to reassess all skills” . The team with which Schlein will govern the new Democratic Party is a grand secretariat with 20 seats.

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No assistant secretary in the dem secretariat, but many new members. Among the members are Marta Bonafoni who will be the coordinator, Peppe Provenzano in Foreign Affairs, Sandro Ruotolo in Information and Culture, Antonio Misiani in Economy, Alessandro Zan in Rights, Debora Serracchiani in Justice and the Organization went to Igor Taruffi.

The list

Alessandro Alfieri: reforms and Pnrr
Davide Baruffi: Local authorities
Marta Bonafoni: secretariat coordinator, Third sector and associations
Stefania Bonaldi: AP, professions and innovation
Annalisa Corrado: Ecological conversion, climate, green economy and 2030 agenda
Alfredo D’Attorre: University
Marco Furfaro: head of political initiatives for the Democratic Party, Welfare, fight against inequalities
Maria Cecília Guerra: Labor Policies
Camilla Laureti: Agricultural and food policies
Marwa Mahmoud: Participation and political formation
Pierfrancesco Maiorino: Migration policies and the right to housing
Irene Manzi: School, education, childhood and educational poverty
Antonio Misiani: Economy, finance, business and infrastructure
Giuseppe Provenzano: Foreign Affairs, Europe and International Cooperation
Vincenza Rando: contrast with the mafias, legality and transparency.
Sandro Ruotolo: Information, culture and memory.
Marco Sarracino: Territorial cohesion, south and interior zones.
Marina Sereni: Right to health and health care
Débora Serracchiani: Justice
Igor Tartufi: Organization Pd
Alessandro Zan: Rights

Source: IL Tempo
