Secretary Pd, Schlein is already losing parts. “Revolt”, escape to the Third Pole

Elly Schlein’s “team” announcement has already caused some stomachaches in the Democratic Party. There are 21 members of the DEM secretariat, among them Marta Bonafoni will be the coordinator, Peppe Provenzano is in Foreign Relations, Sandro Ruotolo in Information and Culture, Antonio Misiani in Economy, Alessandro Zan in Rights, Debora Serracchiani in Justice, while the Organization went to Igor Taruffi. Choices that not everyone liked, especially the currents that supported Stefano Bonaccini in the primaries, named president of the Democratic Party after the defeat.

Among Bonacinians, in fact, there is already “revolt”, reports a report by Affaritaliani according to which “there is strong discontent mainly in the Reformist Base of Lorenzo Guerini, president of Copasir and former Minister of Defense”. The qualified sources quoted in the article make it known that the discontent is due to the fact that Bonaccini negotiated “alone together with Baruffi and Alfieri”. The first was chosen with the delegation to the municipalities, the second to the Reforms and Pnrr.

Stomach pains made worse by the absence of assistant secretaries, as the minority would have gladly accepted one. What could the revolt within the Bonacinians translate into? The most likely result is “some departure” from the Democratic Party “in the coming weeks or months” towards Carlo Calenda’s Third Pole.

Source: IL Tempo
