Elly Schlein names announced: Here is the new secretariat of the Democratic Party

Pd secretary Elly Schlein announced the structure of her new party secretariat on a live Instagram. Here is the announced list:

All the names of the Democratic Party secretariat

Alessandro Alfieri: Reforms and Pnrr; Davide Baruffi: Local authorities; Marta Bonafoni: coordinator of the secretariat, third sector and associations; Stefania Bonaldi: PA, occupations and innovation; Annalisa Corrado: Ecological transformation, climate, green economy and 2030 agenda; Alfredo d’Attorre: University; Marco Furfaro: Responsible for the Democratic Party’s political initiatives, welfare, tackling inequalities; Maria Cecilia Guerra: Labor Policies; Camilla Laureti: Agricultural and food policies; Marwa Mahmoud: Participation and political formation; Pierfrancesco Majorino: Migration Policies and the Right to Housing; Irene Manzi: School, education, childhood and education poverty; Antonio Misiani: Economics, finance, business and infrastructure; Giuseppe Provenzano: Foreign relations, European and international cooperation; Vincenza Rando: Opposite of mob, legality and transparency; Sandro Ruotolo: Knowledge, culture and memory; Marco Sarracino: Regional cohesion, southern and inland regions; Marina Sereni: Health and the right to health – Debora Serracchiani: Justice; Igor Taruffi: Pd Organization; Alessandro Zan: Rights.

First reviews

“A solid team and ready for the challenges ahead,” commented the Pd secretary. But a veteran like Gianni Cuperlo, who wished the new team well, wasn’t convinced, but later “Elly Schlein spoke of unity and pluralism, but in reality she didn’t want to acknowledge the richness of the differences expressed by us. As members of Congress, we too, respecting the vested heritage, respected pluralism and true pluralism. With the belief that unity is the legacy of a more courageous and coherent party, we will continue to keep a perspective alive on the land.”

Source: Today IT
