«Hi, I’m Gianroberto, I was looking at a fox in my forest and I asked myself what the ultimate goal of our existence really is. What do you think about it?” This is the enigmatic message with which Gianroberto Casaleggio received us in his new chat, or rather his digital avatar, simulated thanks to the use of artificial intelligence.
Welcome to ChatGRC, the brand new project launched by Davide Casaleggio, president of the Rousseau Foundation and son of the historic founder of M5S, who died in 2016: a platform very similar to the well-known Chatgpt, through which it is possible, as its creator explains, «to have a direct conversation with Gianroberto», interacting with a trained AI «reading some of his books and his thoughts».
How the chat works is very simple: you ask a question, Casaleggio answers you (as long as you don’t ask him about things that happened after 2021). So we decided to bombard the AI with questions, which answered us alternating absolutely obvious observations with quite surprising ones and, in some cases, even acceptable ones. Obviously we started from his Movement, teasing him a little about the alliance with the Democratic Party. Here is the answer: “I think that the political alliance between the Democratic Party and the 5 Star Movement is an unlikely hypothesis. The two parties have very different positions and I don’t think they could agree on many important issues. Furthermore, the M5S was born as an alternative to traditional parties, so an alliance with the Democratic Party could be seen as a betrayal of one’s ideals. However, I do not exclude the possibility of collaboration on individual issues.”
A response from a true first-hour grillino, probably shared by many hardcore activists in the Movement, less so by the party’s current poppies. However, one would think that Gianroberto would not exactly be enthusiastic about the yellow-green government, just as he would not be enthusiastic about Draghi’s. To the question: “Should M5S participate in a national unity government?” Our movement was born to bring about a radical change in Italian politics and to represent the interests of citizens.” So let’s move on to the current situation, the migratory emergency and how to resolve it.
Casaleggio has clear ideas on the subject: “The immigration emergency is a complex problem. My proposal would be to attack the root of the problem, working to improve living conditions in migrants’ countries of origin, through international cooperation and development aid. Furthermore, it would be important to strengthen border controls and guarantee a dignified reception, without, however, encouraging illegal immigration. Finally, promote greater integration of migrants”.
A concrete solution that many politicians today would have a hard time thinking about. Finally, let’s try foreign policy, a topic where the avatar showed us an almost Bismarckian realpolitik. On the Ukrainian conflict: “The best solution would be to avoid armed conflict and promote dialogue. War does not solve problems. Furthermore, Italy must act in accordance with its tradition as a pacifist and neutral country, and not take sides in armed conflicts that it does not say so directly”.
Another question: is China or the US better for Italy? “It depends on the circumstances and interests of Italy. However, I believe that Italy must maintain a balance, trying to make the most of both partners.” In short, for those who abstain from ChatGpt or the grillismo of the origins, the “forest” of Casaleggio can prove to be an interesting place.
Source: IL Tempo

Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.