Mentana survey, center-right government is growing

The center right is rising in the polls. The figure emerges from the SWG poll released by Enrico Mentana during his broadcast on TgLa7 on April 10th. According to SWG data, Fratelli d’Italia lost 0.4% from 29.7 to 29.3% in 7 days. At the same time, however, the other two parties in the coalition are gaining consensus. Matteo Salvini’s League, in fact, goes from 8.4 to 8.8%, gaining 0.4% and fully offsetting the fall of Meloni’s party. Another growth, however, is what surrounds Forza Italia. The Cavaliere party rose 0.3% from 6.2 to 6.5%.

And what about the center left? Elly Schlein’s new Democratic Party rises 0.3%, from 20.4 to 20.7%. At the same time, however, Action-Italia Viva was down 0.1% from 7.8 to 7.7%.

Source: IL Tempo
