Wedding favours, catering, clothing. Even the guests are already close to arriving. It is a pity that the marriage, announced months ago, is in danger of blowing up at the last minute. Action and Italia Viva are one step away from separating. “The only decisive problem today for the construction of the single liberal-democratic party is that Renzi does not want to assume the commitment to dissolve Italia Viva and finance the new entity and the electoral campaigns”.
Fiery words, reported this morning by the Ansa news agency and pronounced by a top executive at Action, who commented on the background of the last few hours. “The tactics of the former prime minister for months are unacceptable. Action’s management team ran out of patience. During the week we will understand whether this knot can be resolved. If this is not the case, a single party cannot be born”.
Italia Viva’s response will be out in a few minutes. “The truth? The truth is that Calenda is afraid of losing the congress. That’s enough, they’ve been beating us for 10 days”, explained an IV parliamentarian to the AdnKronos news agency. prime minister from his new position as director of Reformista. A leader of Italia Viva, one of those most committed to forming the new house of centrists, suggests his own version. Pd. When two come together, there’s always a third trying to sabotage the deal.”
Political views, tactics, but also related to money. “Contrary to what was whispered by anonymous veline, it must be remembered that Italia Viva has contributed equally to the Action in all the electoral campaigns of the third pole, from the political ones to the regional ones of Friuli Venezia Giulia – recalled Francesco Bonifazi, treasurer of Italia Viva – The choice of how to allocate the money fell to Senator Carlo Calenda, who opted in the vast majority of cases for posters with his face and name”. “With regard to Action, the perspective of an open and inclusive liberal-democratic party continues to be the only one useful to the country. It must be done seriously and quickly with the subjects really interested. The patio controversies do not interest us and we will have no part in them.”
Source: IL Tempo

Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.