The government approves the Def. The executive outlines our country’s economic policy for the coming months. And there is a lot of satisfaction on the part of the Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, as demonstrated by her words at the end of the Council of Ministers. «The Government outlined the economic policy for the coming years, a line made of stability, credibility and growth. We will responsibly revise the GDP estimates upwards and continue the process of reducing the public debt. These are the cards with which Italy presents itself in Europe».
Great satisfaction is also expressed by the president of the Brothers of Italy group in the Senate. «The Def approved by the Council of Ministers confirms the good that the Meloni government has done in recent months – said Lúcio Malan – The document photographs an Italy that grows in relation to forecasts. Aside from a recession or a bankrupt country! The truth is that, with the center-right in government, Italy has reversed course and looks to the future with confidence. The decision to allocate the 3 billion euros, the result of a 1 percent GDP growth trend, to reducing the tax burden reaffirms the commitment of this majority to support companies and families, growth and in particular lower-middle incomes . We did this in the last Budget Law and we repeat it now, confirming the Meloni government’s clear political priorities ».
Source: IL Tempo

Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.