Door to Door, Minister Adolfo Urso explains the new pensions and Cota 41

Pensions, the reform of Quota 41 is not included in the Economic and Financial Document, this is what was discussed in the episode of “Porta a Porta” broadcast on Rai1 on April 11th. The Minister of Business and Made in Italy, Adolfo Urso, explains the government’s choices. «We have a priority that is to support companies and families – said the Minister of Business and Made in Italy, responding to a question about the exclusion of Quota 41 from Def – The priority is to support the most disadvantaged classes and we have also done so with regarding the reduction of the tax burden both in the budget and in the next step that we will take. Afterwards, of course, we will also have to face the problems related to the equity of pensions, but we are a pragmatic, concretely prudent government”.

Then the topic also moved to the issue of budgetary flexibility. “At the moment we are thinking of discussing with the European Commission to understand how we can use the flexibility that was promised to us in necessary expenses and projects that can be easily implemented, this is the discussion of these weeks in Europe”. So says the Minister of Business and Made in Italy Adolfo Urso on Porta a Porta broadcast tonight. “This is the decisive month – he explains – if we manage to obtain that flexibility, then yes, another perspective of growth will be created”.

Source: IL Tempo
