Appointments, negotiation until the end to choose the senior management of the subsidiaries

Surnames are archived. Salvini: “We will close in peace”. In pole position Cingolani for Leonardo, Descalzi confirmed for Eni Donnarumma by Terna at Enel. From Foggia first to woman

Addresses the bitter end of senior management appointments of invested companies. At first, it was assumed that the clearing should arrive at the end of yesterday’s Council of Ministers. Rather, nothing. The square does not yet exist. It must be found between today and tomorrow. But it is not excluded that the final decision will be postponed until the weekend, since the Minister of Economy, Giancarlo Giorgetti, flew to Washington for the spring meetings of the International Monetary Fund. Bilateral talks with US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen are expected on Friday.

The nomination game between the majority parties is delicate. Matteo Salvini guarantees that there are no differences between allies: “Newspapers sell less and less because they tend to tell imaginative things. Yesterday I listened to Giorgia several times, the day before yesterday too, today we will meet at the Council of Ministers at 3 pm and we will end it with complete serenity ». Officially, however, the agreement does not yet exist.

However, the fact that a tug of war is under way emerges from the words of the leader of the Liga Norte group in the Chamber, Riccardo Molinari: «The choice of the top management of listed state-owned companies is a close game between the leaders who are directly following our secretary Salvini with Meloni and Tajani and I think Gianni Letta for Forza Italia. Of course there is maximum secrecy, but of course it would be bizarre for only one of the parties to indicate the names to the detriment of the others.”

Senior management appointments of listed state-owned companies must be signed by Giorgetti. One solution, therefore, could be the following: the parties must find a balance between today and tomorrow, to then have the minister ratify everything when he returns to Rome from the United States. Claudio Descalzi’s confirmation to ENI is certain. In recent months, the CEO of the energy giant has managed to establish an excellent relationship with Giorgia Meloni during frequent missions to African countries to stipulate gas agreements. For the post of president in recent hours have gone up prices for the former secretary general of Farnesina Ettore Sequi.

In Leonardo, where Alessandro Profumo is leaving, Roberto Cingolani, former Minister of Ecological Transition and current energy adviser at Palazzo Chigi, is expected to join as the new CEO. It seems that Meloni wants it at all costs, even in the face of resistance from Lega and Forza Italia. As the new president, if Luciano Carta leaves, current Guardia di Finanza commander Giuseppe Zafarana is considered to be in pole position. There should be no surprises at Poste, with the reconfirmation of Matteo Del Fante as CEO. As far as Enel is concerned, the era of Francesco Starace has come to an end. Among the favorites to replace him is Stefano Donnarumma, Terna’s current number one. The arrival of Paolo Scaroni, sponsored by Forza Italia, seems increasingly difficult to preside over Enel. Alternatively, Luciano Carta’s name is mentioned, but first he must leave Leonardo’s presidency. If the Terna CEO role is available, the identikit that leads to Giuseppina Di Foggia, current CEO of Nokia Italy, is on the rise. She would be the first woman to lead a state-owned company.

Source: IL Tempo
