This wedding is busy. Carlo Calenda, to paraphrase Alessandro Manzoni, does not back down an inch. The leader of Action, despite yesterday’s turmoil, is determined not to throw the baby out with the bathwater. And to carry forward, on the contrary, the project of building a single party in the Third Pole. A house of moderates, who do not recognize themselves in the centre-right or in the left-wing coalition led by the strange couple Giuseppe Conte – Elly Schlein.
“At 6:30 pm today, the Political Commission of the Third Pole is meeting to discuss and vote on the proposed constitution of the single party. We have no more time to lose.” Clear, clear words, published on Twitter by the former Minister of Economic Development. A position that has a very important political meaning, because it arrives in the aftermath of a day marked by scathing questions and of responsibilities and fears between Matteo Renzi’s party and Carlo Calenda’s, a battle fought with declarations, tweets, accusations and expectations. , reassured at the end of the day.
But the controversy that in recent hours has kept the spotlight on Italia Viva and Action has shown no signs of abating, despite assurances from the leaders. Political line, common will, choice of Renzi to become director of the newspaper Il Riformista, but also money management. There were too many, perhaps too many themes put on the plate to believe in a passing summer drizzle. The feeling is that this storm could be a decisive watershed. One way or another. Such a heated exchange of views will either lead to a final separation or a sincere clarification. And the creation, in a very short time, of the single party that intends to occupy the currently empty space at the center of Italian politics.
Source: IL Tempo

Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.